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ورژن جدید پایتون منتشر شد Python for S60 v1.9.2


Senior Technical Supervisor
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Python for S60 v1.9.2 update 24/2/09 s60v3/v5

ورژن جدید پایتون منتشر شد!


This release runs on S60 3rd edition, S60 3rd edition FP1, S60 3rd edition FP2 and S60 5th edition devices.
The release includes:

- Self signed device binaries for S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP2 (which will work even on S60 3rd Ed FP1 and S60 5th Ed devices respectively).
- unsigned device binaries for S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP2 (which will work even on S60 3rd Ed FP1 and S60 5th Ed devices respectively).
- Separate SDK zips for 3rdEd, 3rdEdFP1 and 3rdEdFP2. SDK zip contains both gcce and armv5 link libraries
- Installer for Windows platform that includes
----- Getting started guide
----- selfsigned PyS60 runtime sis
----- selfsigned PythonScriptShell sis
----- Application packaging tool with GUI and README
----- Python HTML documentation updated with S60 module reference
----- sensor module documentation for S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed.
- Archive package for Linux/Mac that includes
----- selfsigned PyS60 runtime sis
----- selfsigned PythonScriptShell sis
----- Application packaging tool with README
----- Python HTML documentation updated with S60 module reference
- Python source code
- OpenSSL source code. This source code is released just to be in complaint with the terms of LGPL licensed software. This source code is
nothing to do with PyS60 software.

sensor module is now available for accessing the sensors on S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed devices that have S60 Sensor Framework libraries. The existing sensor scritps has to be rewritten using the new module to make it work on S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed. The rewritten sensor scripts will not work on S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP1 devices, the support for the same will be provided in the consecutive dot releases. The existing sensor applications will still work on S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP1 devices without any change.

The selfsigned Python runtime component and the PythonScriptShell packages are available with the user-grantable capability set.

The capability set for S60 3rd Ed is ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment.
The capability set for S60 3rd Ed FP2 is ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment Location.

The unsigned Python runtime component and the PythonScriptShell packages are available with high capability set.

The capability set is LocalServices NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData UserEnvironment Location PowerMgmt ProtServ SwEvent SurroundingsDD ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData TrustedUI

Now, on to what we have now - the 1.9.2 release.


لینک مستقیم دانلود برای FP2

لینک مستقیم دانلود برای FP2 ساین نشده high_capas
لینک مستقیم دانلود برای FP1 و Pre FP1

لینک مستقیم دانلود برای FP1 و Pre FP1 ساین نشده high_capas

لینک مستقیم دانلود ScriptShell برای FP2

لینک مستقیم دانلود ScriptShell برای FP1 و Pre FP1

لینک مستقیم دانلود ScriptShell برای high_capas