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فلزیاب آنتنی LRL


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واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: d.rmardin


این ردیاب از سایت و سری ردیاب هایgeotech هستش که چند نمونه دیگش رو دیدم اما در شماتیک و عکس ها اندازه دقیق قطعات گذاشته نشده
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واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: d.rmardin

Mr MeTaL

مدیر بازنشسته
مدیر بازنشسته
این انجمن حسابی از کار افتاده وبی رونق شده!!!
از دوستان کسی ورژن جدید اکسپوفر 5.1ش نساخته؟! ردیاب جدید و کارا پیدا نکردید؟

xspoofer5.1 بورد خوبی هست اما فایل میکروش در دسترس نیست و باید میکروش رو بخرید


کسی میتونه درباره این پروزه نوضیح بده

Basic MFD Project
by Carl Moreland
Molecular Frequency Discriminator (MFD) has become a popular term to describe electronically-enhanced dowsing rods. There are two components to the typical MFD: a signal transmitter, and "receiver" L-rods. Construction of the L-rods is covered in the Building LRLs report and will not be repeated here. We will focus on the signal generator.
The prevailing theory behind MFDs is that the signal generator transmits at a frequency that matches the "molecular resonant frequency" of a desired target. The most common frequencies used are 5KHz for gold and 8.7KHz for silver; other elements have different frequencies but we will focus only on gold and silver. Therefore we need a signal generator that can switch between two different frequencies.
There are many ways of generating signals, with tradeoffs in circuit complexity, accuracy, stability, and flexibility. Accuracy refers to the ability to tune to an exact frequency; stability describes how well the generator can maintain a certain frequency over time and with temperature variations; and flexibity means how easy it is to change the frequency or amplitude.
The simplest is probably a ring oscillator, the most complicated might be a crystal-controlled Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) chip. The ring oscillator, while incredibly simple, has poor accuracy, poor stability, and moderate flexibility. DDS offers the precision and stability of a crystal oscillator while adding the flexibility of millihertz tuning. In between are a wide variety of methods, including a couple of fairly simple yet flexible function generator chips.
MFD1: Basic MFD
One such chip is known as the "8038" (originally made by Intersil, and now produced by several companies) and provides a reasonably clean sinusoidal output as well as triangle and square waves. The output frequency is set by a few external components so it is easy to use, and it is inexpensive. Another similar chip is the Exar XR2206, which has a little better stability and cleaner waveform than the 8038, but is harder to find. We will use the 8038.

Fig. 1: Transmitter Schematic
Figure 1 shows the 8038 signal generator circuit. This is a very standard configuration given in the Intersil data sheet. The output frequency is set by R1 and C1 (plus C2) to be approximately f=0.15/(R1*C1). The sine wave output at pin 2 is then fed through an R-C low-pass filter (R4-C3) to the LM386 audio amplifier. Figure 2 shows the PC board for this circuit. Note that the PC board includes some extra pads for optional circuitry that is not used in this project.

Fig. 2: Transmitter PC Board
[SIZE=-1]Click on image for 300dpi resolution (scanned at 2x)[/SIZE]
Since this MFD is only designed for gold and silver there are only two frequency selections and therefore the 8038 only needs two capacitors. One capacitor (C1) is always connected to the 8038 and results in a frequency of 8.7KHz. S2 switches in a second parallel capacitor (C2) that decreases the frequency to 5KHz. The low-pass filter (R4-C3) has a cut-off frequency of around 10KHz and helps suppress the output harmonics of the 8038 for better spectral purity. Finally, the LM386 provides gain and drive capability for the ground probes.
The only drawback to using an 8038 is that it requires more than 9v to operate, therefore it cannot be run from a single 9v battery. An 8-pack of AA's will produce 12v which is barely sufficient; 2 series 9v batteries is the best solution. You should put the circuit board in an appropriate enclosure: my solution is shown in Figure 3, with the batteries inside the case. The enclosure has a power switch, a frequency select switch, a battery test switch and LED, amplitude knob, and two banana jacks for signal outputs.

Fig. 3: Final TX Package
The amplitude adjust potentiometer R5 allows the user to vary the output signal level which determines the maximum distance the MFD will detect a target. You can eliminate the pot and make R5 a fixed 50K resistor for a fixed full-power output. As shown, the battery check circuit is designed for 18v operation and will cease working when the battery voltage drops to about 13v. You can eliminate the battery check portion of the MFD if desired.
Once we have the circuitry working what do we do with it? We will do what every other MFD manufacturer does: connect the output leads to probes that are stuck in the ground. Each probe consists of: a short (6") piece of 2" PVC pipe, two 2" end caps, a 12" length of 3/16" brass rod, a banana jack, a wire clamp, and some wire. Figure 4 shows the material needed to make two probes.

Fig. 4: Probe Parts
First, use a high-quality drill bit and drill a 3/16" hole through the center of one of the end caps and just slightly into (but not through) the inside roof of the other end cap (see Figure 5). The brass rod should slide through the hole with a considerably tight fit which is why you want to use a high-quality drill bit. Cheap bits tend to have inaccurate sizes. Drill a hole in the side of the 6" long pipe to accept the banana jack and solder the wire to the jack. Assemble everything but the top end cap. You may want to clean and paint the short pipe section for a sharp appearance.

Fig. 5: Upper cap

Fig. 6: Assembly

Fig. 7: Final Probes
With the rod pushed through the assembly by a couple of inches use the clamp to attach the wire to the rod (Figure 6). Finally, add the top end cap making sure the rod goes into the half-hole in the inside roof, then push everything together. You may want to add PVC cement to the end caps and some epoxy where the brass rod goes into or through the end caps to hold everthing together securely. Sharpen the tips of the probe rods (to about 45-60 degrees) to make it easier to push them into the ground.
In Figure 6 you may have noticed that the connecting wire from the banana jack to the rod is spiraled around the rod. This technique generates a molecular polarization field that is directly induced into the probe rod and eliminates all false (ghost) signals. The spirals should be wound in opposite directions for each probe. Once the probes are finished you will need to make a pair of banana wires to connect the MFD transmitter to the probes. The finished probes are shown in Figure 7.
This concludes the instructions for the MFD transmitter. Together with the L-rods described in Building LRLs the total package is shown in Figure 9. The materials cost of this package should be around $50: $15 for the L-rods and $35 for the transmitter. It is exactly equivalent to MFDs being sold for up to $2000.

Fig. 8: Total MFD Package
At this point you should be ready to try out the MFD. Insert the two probes into the ground about 2-3 feet apart. Using banana wires connect the probes to the MFD transmitter. Turn on the transmitter and grab the L-rods. Walk a circle (about 10-12 feet out) around the probes until the L-rods cross - you have located a potential signal line. Mark this point. Imagine a line connecting the marked spot and the middle of the probe area. Move farther away (say, 30 feet) along this line and, using the L-rods, try to locate the signal line. Continue moving away from the probes as long as you are able to detect the signal line. Make sure you mark all of your signal hits.

Fig. 9: MFD Techniques
At some point as you move farther away from the probes you will cease detecting the signal line. If you detect a signal line out to a certain distance from the probes but the signal seems to stop, then where it stops should be the location of the target. Before you dig, you can verify this by moving the probes 90 degrees around the target point and triangulating. The target will be at the location where the signal lines cross.

Fig. 10: MFD Triangulation
There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
Copyright © 1999-2004 Carl W. Moreland, all rights reserved.​

سلام دوست عزیز این مدارات حالت تفریحی دارن ردیاب وابستگی به فرکانس و گیرندش داره ..فرکانسش هر فرکانسی نیست و گیرندشم هر نوع انتنی نیست.

Mr MeTaL

مدیر بازنشسته
مدیر بازنشسته
این انجمن حسابی از کار افتاده وبی رونق شده!!!
از دوستان کسی ورژن جدید اکسپوفر 5.1ش نساخته؟! ردیاب جدید و کارا پیدا نکردید؟
دلیل بی رونقی این هست که افرادی که در اینجا میان همگی بدنبال یک نقشه ساخت آماده هستند تا اون رو بسازند و بفروشند به ملت بیچاره با قیمت های بالای چند ده میلیون!! و حاظر نیستند همون اطلاعات کمی رو که دارند به اشتراک بگذارند و می ترسند که با اون اطلاعاتکسه دیگه ای به جایی برسه اما خودشون نه! حتی اگر از یک مدار خوب سوال کنی عمدی شما رو به اشتباه می اندازن تا به جایی نرسی!!اینه دلیل اینکه انجمن از رونق افتاده! و کسایی مثل بنده هم که اطلاعات خوب و مدارات خوبی دارند که واقعا صنعتی و عملی هسترو حاظر نیبه کسانی بدند که هیچگونه فعالیتی نمی کنند و فقط دنبال مفت هستند!! به عنوان مثال بنده تمامی اطلاعات ساخت و فایل میکرو مدارات pim-2 از شرکت لوگاتک ترکیه و vandal pulse2 شرکت کریزی تچ بلغارستان و vandal pulse3 و pim-3 و بسیاری دیگه از مدارت صنعتی را کپی کردم اما در اینجا قرار نخواهم داد تا زمانی که افراد به این صورت عمل کنند. باید زحمت بکشید!زحمت!تلاش!صبح تا شب و شب تا صبح!


دلیل بی رونقی این هست که افرادی که در اینجا میان همگی بدنبال یک نقشه ساخت آماده هستند تا اون رو بسازند و بفروشند به ملت بیچاره با قیمت های بالای چند ده میلیون!! و حاظر نیستند همون اطلاعات کمی رو که دارند به اشتراک بگذارند و می ترسند که با اون اطلاعاتکسه دیگه ای به جایی برسه اما خودشون نه! حتی اگر از یک مدار خوب سوال کنی عمدی شما رو به اشتباه می اندازن تا به جایی نرسی!!اینه دلیل اینکه انجمن از رونق افتاده! و کسایی مثل بنده هم که اطلاعات خوب و مدارات خوبی دارند که واقعا صنعتی و عملی هسترو حاظر نیبه کسانی بدند که هیچگونه فعالیتی نمی کنند و فقط دنبال مفت هستند!! به عنوان مثال بنده تمامی اطلاعات ساخت و فایل میکرو مدارات pim-2 از شرکت لوگاتک ترکیه و vandal pulse2 شرکت کریزی تچ بلغارستان و vandal pulse3 و pim-3 و بسیاری دیگه از مدارت صنعتی را کپی کردم اما در اینجا قرار نخواهم داد تا زمانی که افراد به این صورت عمل کنند. باید زحمت بکشید!زحمت!تلاش!صبح تا شب و شب تا صبح!
تا کسی تلاش نکنه موفق نمیشه در مورد ردیاب مشکل اینه که اپراتوری خیلی مهمه بعد دستگاه خوب...اطلاعات نمیشه رایگان گذاشت چون کسی مطالعه کرده و مدار ساخته و بقیه راحت بیان استفاده بکنن باید دید طرفت کوشا هس یا که نه..
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واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: Mr MeTaL


یه مشکل دیگه سر در گمی سازنده و اپراتور هست که واقعا نمیدونه چه مداری واقعا خوب جواب میده! من به شخصه تا حالا میلیون ها تومن بابت خرید دستگاه هزینه کردم اما جواب درستی نگرفتم و همش ضرر شد

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من توی یه سایتی درباره فلزیاب های آنتنی LRL و MFD و.... مطالبی خوندم که جالب بود

اگه کسی مداریدراین رابطه داره و نحوه درست کردنشون رو بلده لطف کنه توی سایت ارائه کنه


سلام برعزیزان
یکبار تایپ کردم و ارسال نشد

مداری که در پست بالا بود را ساختم قبلا با ایسی 8038
و بعدا در جایی دیدم که مداراتی برای اتصال به دسته و یا تقویت خروجی وجود دارد
اما هر چه جستجو کردم پیدا نشد
خواهشمندم این دو مدار جانبی را در اینجا بگذارید
خیلی مننون از مدارات خوبتان

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سلام دوستان کسی درمورد ردیاب pd میدونه. من مدار کاملشو دارم با توضیحات .فقط در مورد تنظیم کردنش مشکل دارم .برد مفیدش کفته تا حداقل 11متره .و برد هوایی ان 50 متر و تشخیص ان فقط طلا ست